Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Avoidable Star

Okay. So I'm a geek and got all excited when a fairly big star's agent called us back and said he was free during our production window and we should send a script and an offer. We called everyone we knew in the business for advice and came up with a good plan.

And then the LA agent who's been advising us recommends that we steer clear of this particular fairly big star.

Now, I know it was the longest of long shots -- well, maybe not the longest... we weren't going after DeNiro or anything -- but it was exciting. Ah well.

But we have the lead role cast, and we have some good suggestions for who to go after for the juiciest role (the one for which we considered Mr. Fairly Big Star But Stay Away). We've started an extended-local talent search for supporting cast and are beseiged with headshots (like everyone says, actors want to act). The agent advisor really likes the script. All of the money's in the bank. About half the locations are chosen. We're scheduling a read-through of the script with some college kids this month.

Now I just need to get to these last revisions. It's really just the first third of the script, and a little at the end. Not a whole lot of heavy lifting, but damn if things haven't gotten busy.


glassblowerscat said...

Awww, I was kind of excited about Fairly Big Star … oh well.

The internet has spoiled us. I'll never pick up a phone anymore, even if it would be quicker than my online searches. Anything to avoid talking to another human being …

greg said...


you gotta tell me what that agent said... We are making an offer to him this week!

I CAN NOT WAIT to hear how it goes on Monday.... Told you those researchers are worth something... :) I can hear that conversation as if it was played out in real life... with just the right touch of sarcasm...

Oh BTW - got that article yesterday. Thanks. Just what I needed - but there really is some truth in it. If you write something they want - you can wield a tiny bit of power...

Unknown said...

I hope all goes well on Monday!

I look forward to getting the play by play of the conversation. They always make great stories.

Keep up the good work.

M. Bootles