Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A Cigar With The Colonel

Remember the A-Team? That guy Colonel Hannibal Smith, with his famous tagline, "I love it when a plan comes together." Well, for all his cheese, I wanna smoke a cigar with the guy -- and sit back while BA Baracus lights another hardware store ablaze and Murdoch dances around giddily in the moonlight singing a nursery rhyme.

Because damn if sometimes shit don't come together.

I was thinking about this at work today. For the past nine years, my job has been at least loosely connected to my dream. I've been working in TV as a producer and writer, so I get paid to tell stories. They haven't always been the stories I'm dying to tell, but I've learned a hell of a lot in the trenches and a lot of it has been fun. And even the shit that hasn't been fun has been funny -- with the benefit of time.

But recently my vocation has more closely aligned with my avocation.

I'm now in charge of development at my company, and my company wants to get into film. Which is what I've always wanted to get into.

Cue the Colonel.

Today at work I was outlining the structure of a movie that I think my company could do. And I realized I was doing exactly what I want to do. Okay, maybe not EXACTLY -- since it's not the movie I've always dreamed of doing. But it's certainly something I'm passionate about, making a movie -- and it'll help me with the movies that are really emanating from my heart.

How does Greg sleep at night? He's got one script in the works and at least two more in various stages of development.

So I'll smoke a cigar with the ghost of Hannibal and lift this glass of scotch to everyone who's as much of a lucky bastard as I am.

And everyone who isn't.


greg said...

welcome to the jungle, killer... :)

I guess the collective unconsciousness is more powerful than any of us could imagine.

thanks for the note yesterday... it is a really strange feeling to have a family of guys across the country who are all connected through writing - but it sure is encouraging...

and now you get to be a gatekeeper. if ndp gets into film - you are the guy!

So go forth - evil genius - and crush the world with your brilliance...


japhy99 said...

Oh. I might crush the world, but it won't be with brilliance. We'll have to talk about this movie -- you're connected to it brother.

You can take the boy out of NDP, but you can't take the NDP out of the boy.

And thanks for inspiring the writing family.