Monday, August 11, 2008

BlueCat Hates Me

So I didn't make the BlueCat semifinal cut. Poor me.

But I will be heading to LA at the end of the month for the Script Pimp awards ceremony, to press some flesh. Hoping to catch up with some friends in the area, too. Should be fun.

The 48 Hour Film Project was a blast. Tiring, but fun. Hopefully our post guys will create an uploadable file and I can post it here. Winners are announced on Wednesday.

Each team had to include the required character of Harold Ralston, lifeguard, the required prop of a tray and the required line, "That's not the way I see it." Each team drew a different genre -- ours was Holiday Film.

We did a little twist on a Valentine's Day movie. Turned out pretty well, for 48 hours of work. Hopefully you can judge for yourself soon...

1 comment:

Patrick J. Rodio said...

Sorry, bro. I crapped out, too.
