Thursday, August 23, 2007

She's Here

Born Monday at 11:21am. 7 lbs, 14 oz.

Mainly purple for the first few minutes.

Perfectly healthy and wonderfully beautiful.

‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky.

While Greg’s important post at the Web of Lies a few days ago reminds me how depressing the world can be, this wee lass reminds me how fantastic it can be.

Last post I mourn the loss of a young and gifted artist named Ringo. This one I celebrate the arrival of this lovely girl.

A little yin for your yang, people.

Am I happy, or in misery?

As for writing, just before she was born I finished my first pass at full revision notes on the hard copy of the D Line script. Next up is tracing each character’s arc to look for weaknesses, then making the changes to the script itself.

Last night I was soothing the baby girl at 3am when the toddler boy cried out from his room. Went in to check on him, babe in arms, and found he had terrible diarrhea, spilling out onto his PJs, his mattress.

Purple haze all in my mind, don’t know if it’s day or night.

Gonna be like this for a while.

But I’m gonna do my best to finish up this script soon.

Baby’s doing well. Teenage daughter says she might come home from college for the weekend.

Whatever it is that girl -– by which I think Jimi means “those girls, that boy” -- put a spell on me.


Emily Blake said...

Yay! Congrats! You made a person!

149films said...

Congratulations! You get to smell baby head again. And baby shit! I keep telling heather I want another. Enjoy and good luck on the script. You sound inspired.

glassblowerscat said...

Serious congratulations on the new one. I have a feeling she'll always be one of your greatest works. And that's not a reflection on your writing.

Anonymous said...

OMG, what a cute bundle of joy, just had to stop by and comment and say thanks for stopping by my hangout